Saturday, December 28, 2019

It's come to my attention that while I do TOPFIVE Favorite Kdramas posts every year, I've never done any sort of list of books, and I've read some really good ones this year that I want to talk about. Of course, I've also read a lot of not great books this year that did not at all live up to the hype I heard about them, but that's a conversation...
I'd heard a lot of brilliant things about Squad 38 before but never actually got around to watching it until about a week ago. OCN dramas can go two ways with me: 1) I love them so so much and want to talk about them forever (Tunnel, Black, plus some others I'm sure), or 2) they bore me out of my mind and I suffer through sixteen episodes just...

Friday, December 20, 2019

Hello, everyone! I haven't blogged here in months, but I just took my last uni final exam yesterday (as in yes, I am done with college forever!), and am super psyched to talk about my top five favorite Korean dramas of the year! I will note that all but one of these dramas are from the second half of 2019 — not quite sure if that's because...

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