Friday, January 5, 2018

The only Leigh Bardugo book I haven't gotten around to yet is the second installment to Six Of Crows, i.e. Crooked Kingdom. I hear it's great, and yet I'm pretty positive that I'm not going to love it as much as The Language of Thorns because TLOT is so so beautiful. As in better than the original Grimm fairytales, beautiful. Going into this...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

After all the racist comments I've read concerning Sandhya Menon's books, I've come to enjoy diverse books especially when 1) they don't do through the trouble of explaining in detail every aspect of their culture, and 2) the main character isn't a demure girl but no, has quite a bit of fire in her. The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee does...

Monday, January 1, 2018

I'm pretty late to the party in terms of reading Warcross, but I'm so glad I finally got to it because the hype is well deserved. The diverse cast and setting and the originality of the plot have got me head over heels for this book, and although there were a few things here and there that could have been been done differently, this...
I remember back when Baby Driver came out, I was sitting in my Classical Film Theory class, completely unaware of the movie's existence until some people in class started talking about how good it was, and then the professor expressed her discontent at the fact that she wasn't able to watch it at the nearby theater because she had the wrong...

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