Saturday, February 24, 2018

So I gotta be honest here and admit that yes, I can imagine a world where Mystery Queen doesn't get a season two. When I read something online - before people knew about the second season - about how the ending was so awful because there's no guarantee of a second season, I thought the drama would end with someone on the floor bleeding out...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Me describing this book to people: It's about a married couple that finds out that they're both super healthy and have a good sixty-eight years ahead of them. Instead of being happy about their long life expectancies, they begin freaking out about how they're going to make their marriage work for that long, because apparently when people make...
Note: Perhaps don't read this post if you're not caught up on the sixteen episodes of Hwayugi that are currently out. If you keep up with my twitter, then you know that for the past few weeks, the highlight of my kdrama watching has been binging Hwayugi episodes and temporarily messing up my eight hour sleep schedule. As soon as I watched the...

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