Friday, December 28, 2018

The Long Song is a three-episode BBC drama adapted from the book of the same name. I stumbled upon it by chance a few days ago, and I was hooked as soon as I began watching. The Long Song is the tale of a Jamaican slave named July, and the events of her life that take place around the time that ideas regarding abolition are beginning come into...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I enjoyed pretty much everything about Ratsasan except for its horrific representation of females as police officers. Women are rarely police officers in Kollywood films, and furthermore, even if they are, they're definitely not in any high positions and are usually seen working with or working under other male officers. However, in this film,...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018

I picked up The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason - along with the next two books in the series - from the local library as soon as I was finished with final exams. It's rare that I pick up a book without having heard about it first on Goodreads or some other blog, but every now and then I do take a chance on things I know nothing about. While...
Since it's almost the end of the year and I haven't written another Korean drama post since my mid-year TOPFIVE drama post, I figured it was time for an update - especially since a lot of what I said in that other post is null and void. I put some dramas in that list that were currently airing, and unfortunately, they turned a tad sour after...
I'd read the first Anne book a couple months ago thanks to my friends who kept pestering me about how brilliant Gilbert Blythe is. And yes, he is brilliant, but I'm beginning to fear that the version of him that I love is the one from Anne With An E. However, I'll probably get one book further into the series before making any definitive decisions...

Monday, August 6, 2018

I happen to be one of those unfortunate souls who has gone through childhood in a miserable state. By which I mean to say that not a single friend of mine forced me to sit down and read a little book called Anne of Green Gables. Yes, there was this one younger friend of mine who mentioned it in a sentence - my goodness it's an amazing book,...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I'm telling you guys right off the bat because I wish I had known this when going into the book: Save The Date by Morgan Matson is not a romance book. I definitely thought it was a YA contemporary romance, and I thought that this was a nice, romantic summer read that I could enjoy along the lines of how I lived for Listen To Your Heart by Kasie...

Friday, July 6, 2018

Saturday, June 30, 2018

It's about half way through the year and it's been a while since I did a kdrama post, so I figured now was probably a good time to share my favorite drams that have aired so far this year. I'm feeling nice, so we'll go in order from favorite favorites to ahhh they're too different, I can't possibly compare them. NICE WITCH Nice Witch is my favorite...
There are two things that are always true about Kasie West books: 1) they're so cute they're guaranteed to make your toes curl up and your mouth tilt up in a grin, and 2) they're perfect whether you're in a reading mood or even if it's way too hot to muster up the energy necessary to pick up a book. I happen to fall into the latter category -...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

So hate is a bit of a strong word. I didn't think I'd hate the book, but I didn't think I'd enjoy it very much either. I knew I loved Sandhya Menon because I admire the fact that she writes books about non-stereotypical Indian kids - I love that she's paving the way for other Indian authors to also write books about their own culture. That...

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Is it just me or does Iron Man's head look really big in the poster? I watched Avengers: Infinity War on Friday and I have never been so blessed by a movie. I can confidently say that it's the best thing I've seen in my life. Not my favorite thing - that spot is taken by Austenland - but certainly the best thing. I've never even watched...
I recently finished watching Mystery Queen 2 - the second season of Mystery Queen - and I it left me with such a warm, bubbly feeling at the end, as well as an intense need for a third season that'll give viewers some more of the banter between the lead characters as well as some answers to questions that the writers purposefully kept...

Saturday, February 24, 2018

So I gotta be honest here and admit that yes, I can imagine a world where Mystery Queen doesn't get a season two. When I read something online - before people knew about the second season - about how the ending was so awful because there's no guarantee of a second season, I thought the drama would end with someone on the floor bleeding out...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Me describing this book to people: It's about a married couple that finds out that they're both super healthy and have a good sixty-eight years ahead of them. Instead of being happy about their long life expectancies, they begin freaking out about how they're going to make their marriage work for that long, because apparently when people make...
Note: Perhaps don't read this post if you're not caught up on the sixteen episodes of Hwayugi that are currently out. If you keep up with my twitter, then you know that for the past few weeks, the highlight of my kdrama watching has been binging Hwayugi episodes and temporarily messing up my eight hour sleep schedule. As soon as I watched the...

Friday, January 5, 2018

The only Leigh Bardugo book I haven't gotten around to yet is the second installment to Six Of Crows, i.e. Crooked Kingdom. I hear it's great, and yet I'm pretty positive that I'm not going to love it as much as The Language of Thorns because TLOT is so so beautiful. As in better than the original Grimm fairytales, beautiful. Going into this...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

After all the racist comments I've read concerning Sandhya Menon's books, I've come to enjoy diverse books especially when 1) they don't do through the trouble of explaining in detail every aspect of their culture, and 2) the main character isn't a demure girl but no, has quite a bit of fire in her. The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee does...

Monday, January 1, 2018

I'm pretty late to the party in terms of reading Warcross, but I'm so glad I finally got to it because the hype is well deserved. The diverse cast and setting and the originality of the plot have got me head over heels for this book, and although there were a few things here and there that could have been been done differently, this...
I remember back when Baby Driver came out, I was sitting in my Classical Film Theory class, completely unaware of the movie's existence until some people in class started talking about how good it was, and then the professor expressed her discontent at the fact that she wasn't able to watch it at the nearby theater because she had the wrong...

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