Tuesday, May 14, 2019

No, No I Do Not Have A Cold

The other day I was blowing my nose into a tissue as I am wont to do, when my dad asked me whether I had gotten a cold. I was immediately offended. No, of course I don't have a cold, dad. What, just because I blow my nose after eating spicy food and several other times throughout the day means I have a cold? Do you even know me? And with that, I tossed my tissue in the trash bin and went back to my room to do what I normally do aka plop myself in front of my television and dread Monday because I stupidly - but I'll appreciate it in the fall when I get to take one less class - signed up for a spring course on mobile app development.

Everything is fine. I enjoy a couple of hours of fictional drama - on the scale of 10+ hours, sorry not sorry - and go to bed. Then comes the next day. More television, except now I seem to have a bit of a scratchy throat. That's not good. But I just keep watching tv, hoping that it'll go away. Maybe I'd gone overboard the last few nights with the fan on high while blasting the air conditioner? Oh, now drinking cold water hurts my throat too? Even breathing in slightly colder than room temperature air hurts? You know what, it's fine. Everything will be better the next morning.

The next morning: scratchy throat has increased, nose is stuffy, and anything other than scalding hot water definitely hurts my throat. I down cough medicine and drink less than scalding water because I can't wait that long for the microwave to do its thing. I have a cold - this is your fault, dad.

Image from Unsplash.

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