Allow me to finish my sentence: please tell me you liked Detective Pikachu, because otherwise we can't be friends.
I've been crazy excited for this film since a) I realized Ryan Reynolds was voicing Pikachu, b) I saw Pikachu wearing a little Sherlock Holmes hat (there are very few things I love more than Sherlock Holmes and mysteries), and c) Pikachu is freaking adorable and I could literally watch him sleep on the big screen and be satisfied. Of course, my brother tried to kill my buzz the day we went to watch the film by claiming that it "sucked", but I didn't let him get to me: I was confident in my furry friend. And did he deliver? Oh yes he did.
My mom thought the movie was crazy boring and my brother said the Pokemon were the only decent part of the movie because everything except the twist ending was predictable - every Hollywood movie is predictable, it's the three act structure over and over again! - but I beg to differ. The fact that the twist ending caught so many people by surprise is actually quite amazing; movies rarely accomplish this. And come on, how many people are actually going into this movie hoping for a beyond thrilling plot that keeps them on the edge of their seat? I hope not many people, because the movie delivered exactly what the trailer promised: a mystery about a boy's father and a Pikachu who's lost his memories and makes great jokes. Honestly, I went in just for the comedy, but ended up being pleasantly surprised by the breadth of the mystery. I never got bored. And the cute Pokemon and the beautiful, heartwarming bond between Tim and Pikachu and the cute Pokemon - I just really adored this movie.
The guy at the theater gave us about six or so Pokemon packs when we bought tickets to the movie, so I now have 12 Pokemon cards, 6 of which are all Detective Pikachu and absolutely adorable. I shall use them as bookmarks and gaze upon Pikachu's cute face - and hat - every time I can be bothered to pick up a book (it's a rare occurrence nowadays).
I find it so weird that people complain about the movie being boring or predictable, because it is EXACTLY what the trailer promised, like you mentioned. It has mystery, yeah, but it's more for adorable entertainment. I'm one of the few people who absolutely detest the ending haha, I'm SORRY, but it felt plot hole-y, and meh to me.
ReplyDeleteAnyone reading who haven't watched the movie - the rest of my comment contains SPOILERS ABOUT THE ENDING!
Yeah, okay, so - besides it being weird that the MC didn't recognize his father's voice (which I do admit can be explained away), I was so BUMMED. For me, Pikachu being so witty, sassy and fun proved EXACTLY what he was saying all along: that Pokemons are just as smart, resourceful and lovely as humans. That Pokemons and humans are equals and should be treated as such. They might have a different language, they might even process things different, or go about solving things differently, but at the end of the day, they are smart as heck. And even though there are other scenes proving how great Pokemons are, this was the ultimate "proof"... until it was ruined. Still liked the movie, but this took away a lot from my enjoyment, because it ruined the core of the movie for me? I know it sounds weird, and I'm glad you and others don't feel that way, but I just hate the ending lol. Great review!
OK WAIT so I get what you mean about the ending being disappointing but unlike with you, it didn't ruin the whole movie for me (although I hadn't even thought about what the ending says about Pokemon in general). I actually LOVED the plot twist, but I am sad that Pikachu isn't actually the Pikachu we got to know and love throughout the duration of the movie. I was literally telling my mom yesterday that I wish I could put the dad and Pikachu back together lollol I'm terrible.