Saturday, December 28, 2019

It's come to my attention that while I do TOPFIVE Favorite Kdramas posts every year, I've never done any sort of list of books, and I've read some really good ones this year that I want to talk about. Of course, I've also read a lot of not great books this year that did not at all live up to the hype I heard about them, but that's a conversation...
I'd heard a lot of brilliant things about Squad 38 before but never actually got around to watching it until about a week ago. OCN dramas can go two ways with me: 1) I love them so so much and want to talk about them forever (Tunnel, Black, plus some others I'm sure), or 2) they bore me out of my mind and I suffer through sixteen episodes just...

Friday, December 20, 2019

Hello, everyone! I haven't blogged here in months, but I just took my last uni final exam yesterday (as in yes, I am done with college forever!), and am super psyched to talk about my top five favorite Korean dramas of the year! I will note that all but one of these dramas are from the second half of 2019 — not quite sure if that's because...

Monday, July 1, 2019

My feelings toward Voice 3 are so incredibly complicated. I loved the first week (which is to say, the first two episodes) of this drama so much, as you can clearly tell by the fangirl-y post I wrote about it. But the rest of the season didn't live up to that first week. Why? Mainly because whereas the first week featured a brilliant Code Zero...
2019 has been a spectacular year for Korean dramas, so you can bet I've been bouncing up and down in my chair waiting for the halfway point of the year - June 30 - to come around just so I could write up this post. The reason this is a day late is because I didn't want to put any still running dramas on this list in case they flopped in future...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

On my latest trip to Barnes & Noble, I happened upon this super cute looking book called Between the Water and the Woods by Simone Snaith. I picked it up because of the cover, and I bought it because of the synopsis and the claim that there were illustrations in this - and what lovely illustrations they turned out to be. People are always...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I watched the Korean movie Swing Kids the other day and I was rightly impressed. It's very different from other Korean films I've watched - the style feels more similar to Hollywood movies that most other Korean films tend to - and everything about it was spectacular: it takes place during war and deals with tough issues like racism and discrimination,...
I hadn't really been excited for Aladdin - sure, I'd watched and enjoyed the live action versions of Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, but I felt that live-action remakes were getting old really fast. In fact, I hadn't even planned on watching the film in theaters, but other people's excitement rubbed off on me and I couldn't stop myself from...

Friday, May 17, 2019

I'm not one to read books on war, but I'd heard nothing but ridiculously positive things about this book plus I learned afterwards that it's actually based on a real war! And so I checked it out from the library, started reading, switched to audiobook (the older I get, the more intimidated I am by huge books), and finally finished reading/listening...

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Allow me to finish my sentence: please tell me you liked Detective Pikachu, because otherwise we can't be friends. I've been crazy excited for this film since a) I realized Ryan Reynolds was voicing Pikachu, b) I saw Pikachu wearing a little Sherlock Holmes hat (there are very few things I love more than Sherlock Holmes and mysteries), and...
The other day I was blowing my nose into a tissue as I am wont to do, when my dad asked me whether I had gotten a cold. I was immediately offended. No, of course I don't have a cold, dad. What, just because I blow my nose after eating spicy food and several other times throughout the day means I have a cold? Do you even know me? And with that,...
I started watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend back when I watched American television and had no idea about Korean dramas, but it quickly became an enjoyable show thanks to its many hilarious musical sequences. Also I am - was? - kind of a CW junkie at the time, so there's that. A couple seasons in, I watched Crazy Ex as more of a routine kind of thing...

Monday, May 13, 2019

A few weeks ago I began watching Voice 2 on a whim - I'd watched Voice last summer - and found myself binging it within about two days and agonizing over the wait for Voice 3. My twitter header is currently Voice 2 related and I regret nothing. I know people have been disappointed by the second season and claim that nothing can compare to season...

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